Track of the Day: Isla Noon – “Body”

Isla Noon’s “Body” is a spellbinding and introspective track that stands tall in the realm of dream and alt-pop. Drawing influences from artists like MUNA, Caroline Polachek, and Wolf Alice, Noon presents an arresting reclamation of self that resonates with a sense of epic and moody introspection. This shimmering alt-pop artist has created a song…

Isla Noon’s “Body” is a spellbinding and introspective track that stands tall in the realm of dream and alt-pop. Drawing influences from artists like MUNA, Caroline Polachek, and Wolf Alice, Noon presents an arresting reclamation of self that resonates with a sense of epic and moody introspection. This shimmering alt-pop artist has created a song that is not only a musical journey but also a profound exploration of one’s relationship with their body and self-perception.

The track opens with the haunting swells of Noon’s distinct voice, immediately drawing the listener into her world. Her question, “Body, what do I do to make you my home?” sets the tone for a deeply personal narrative. Noon’s exploration of how her physical form has been perceived and the impact it has had on her life is a poignant reflection of the societal pressures and expectations placed on bodies. This introspection is beautifully woven into the song’s fabric, making “Body” not just a piece of music but a canvas for self-expression and personal growth.

The collaboration with Maude Minnie Morris and the addition of Steph Brown on keys adds depth to the song’s production. Noon and Morris’s decision to embrace the chaos and push the dynamics to their limits results in a track that is both powerful and delicate, reflecting the song’s thematic content. The sonic landscape of “Body” is vast and dynamic, with moments of quiet introspection that explode into bursts of intensity, mirroring the tumultuous journey of self-acceptance and empowerment.

“Body” is more than a song; it’s an experience that encapsulates the complexity of self-identity. Noon’s lyrical prowess is on full display, as she delves into the psychological and physical aspects of self, creating a narrative that is relatable and moving. The song’s visual component, where the camera acts as a reflection of self and the building as a representation of headspace, further amplifies the track’s introspective nature.

In summary, “Body” by Isla Noon is a compelling and introspective piece that marks a new chapter in her musical journey. The track’s blend of haunting vocals, dynamic production, and deeply personal lyrics make it a standout in the dream and alt-pop genre. It is a song that offers a glimpse into Noon’s soul, presenting her story in all its “messy self-contradiction and intensity, in all its cautious intimacy, in all its strength and light.”

If you liked “Body” check out:


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