Song Review: Pretty Moi – “Real Love”

Pretty Moi’s “Real Love” emerges as a delightful surprise in the realm of indie music, blending the nostalgic essence of 60s and 70s soul and pop with a contemporary indie rock flair. The Melbourne-based six-piece band, originally hailing from Brisbane, showcases their ability to weave diverse musical influences into a cohesive and engaging sound, reminiscent…

Pretty Moi’s “Real Love” emerges as a delightful surprise in the realm of indie music, blending the nostalgic essence of 60s and 70s soul and pop with a contemporary indie rock flair. The Melbourne-based six-piece band, originally hailing from Brisbane, showcases their ability to weave diverse musical influences into a cohesive and engaging sound, reminiscent of bands like Lazy Ghost, Peach Fur, and Lime Cordiale.

The track, penned by Ruben Vasconez during the solitude of the 2020 pandemic, resonates with a warmth and authenticity that’s rare in modern music. What began as an inside joke evolved into a charmingly earnest exploration of love and connection. The song’s vintage charm is a nod to the classic soul and pop, infused with gospel influences, resulting in a sound that’s both fresh and familiar. The lively arrangement, complete with vibrant harmonies and catchy rhythms, creates an atmosphere of joyful celebration, transporting listeners to a simpler, more carefree time.

“Real Love” strikes a perfect balance between lightheartedness and depth, a testament to Pretty Moi’s skillful songwriting and arrangement. The band’s ability to infuse their music with a unifying quality that appeals across generations is particularly noteworthy. The track’s nostalgic depth doesn’t just reminisce about the past; it revives it, breathing new life into the timeless themes of love and togetherness.

In the contemporary indie scene, where bands often chase trends, Pretty Moi stands out by embracing their unique blend of retro and modern influences. “Real Love” is not just a song but an experience – one that invites listeners to dance, sing along, and remember the enduring power of real love. It’s a bright spot in Pretty Moi’s evolving discography and a clear indication of their potential to make a lasting impact on the indie music landscape.


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